The Brainstem


The Brainstem


To the tune of “Feels Like” by Gracie Abrams

[Verse 1]
Cerebellum functions in
Learning and motor coordination
The medulla is involved in regulation
Of heart rate and respiration

The reticular formation
Important in sleep and waking
And maintaining a general
State of arousal
The pons relays information
From the brainstem
Towards the rest
Of the brain and

[Verse 2]
Midbrain is comprised of
The tectum and the tegmentum
The superior colliculus
Receives visual input

Inferior colliculus
Receives auditory input
The substantia nigra
Approach and avoidance it does
Periaqueductal grey
Species specific and response to pain
The red nucleus
Is involved in movement

Finally there is the
Which is made up of
Three thalamic structures
The thalamus collects
Sensory information
And passes it on
To different brain regions

The hypothalamus controls
Feeding, drinking, and different hormones
The epithalamus contains
Melatonin releasing gland


Disorders of the Visual Pathway


Cerebral Security