Hearing Physiology


Hearing Physiology

To the tune of “Yellow” by Coldplay 

[Verse 1]
The pinna
It collects and funnels
Sound waves to the ear canal
And the eardrum
Then on towards
Malleus, incus, stapes
But muscles tense to decrease
Amount of vibration
Inside the inner ear
Changes in sound pressure
Become neural signals

[Chorus 1]
The cochlea is the main structure
The signal becomes changes in fluid pressure
Till it reaches the organ of Corti
The organ of Corti

[Verse 2]
This structure is
Composed of hair cells
Auditory fibres as well
On the basilar membrane
Hair cells support
Which contain the
Potassium channels

[Chorus 2]
Mechanical forces open K+ channels
Potassium increases potential
Calcium channels open in response
They open in response

This triggers
Release of neurotransmitters
Which bind afferent auditory nerves
Auditory nerves




Renal Acid-Base Balance