
Excitation-Contraction Coupling

To the tune of “State of Grace” by Taylor Swift

[Verse 1]
At the neuromuscular junction
The somatic motor neuron
It will release acetylcholine 
Through the nAchR
Sodium ions will enter
And initiate depolarization

Excitation-contraction coupling will depend
On cytosolic calcium

[Verse 2]
An action potential
Will spread through the T-tubule
DHPR conformation is altered
Ryanodine receptors
In the membrane of the SR
They will open releasing calcium

This will increase
The concentration of
Calcium ions
Where it can bind troponin

Excitation-contraction coupling will depend
On cytosolic calcium

Troponin is bound
By calcium
Which will allow
Movement of tropomyosin
The myosin head
Executes the power stroke
Actin filament
Slides towards the center of the sarcomere

Excitation-contraction coupling will depend
On cytosolic calcium
Excitation-contraction coupling will depend
On cytosolic calcium

SERCA will pump
Into the SR
Excess calcium
And it will unbind troponin


Dual Juxtaglomerular Feedback Mechanism


Hearing Physiology