Skeletal Tissue Types


Skeletal Tissue Types

To the tune of “Tiny Dancer” by Elton John

[Verse 1]
The ancestral type of tissue is cartilage
The ECM is excreted by chondroblasts
Composition of the ECM guides mechanical properties
Chondrocytes, they rely on diffusive processes

[Verse 2] 
Bony tissue is composed of two cell classifications
Osteoblasts, which will act in bone formation
Osteoclasts, they will act in resorption of bone
This regulation maintains homeostasis of density of bones

There are two types of bone
Spongy bone houses bone marrow
Compact bone is made of osteons
Containing blood vessels
And a neuron

Skeletal tissue functions
Have great diversity
Include support and locomotion
Hematopoiesis and immunity
Skeletal tissue functions
Are greatly diverse
Includes feeding and protection
And the storage of minerals

[Verse 3] 
Bone marrow is composed of adipocytes
Blood cells and immune cells from this they are derived
Hematopoietic bone marrow evolved with tetrapods
In bony fishes, other tissues produce blood cells

There are two types of bone
Spongy bone houses bone marrow
Compact bone is made of osteons
Containing blood vessels
And a neuron

Skeletal tissue functions
Have great diversity
Include support and locomotion
Hematopoiesis and immunity
Skeletal tissue functions
Are greatly diverse
Includes feeding and protection
And the storage of minerals


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