Blood Flow in Fishes

Blood Flow in Fishes

To the tune of “Somebody to Love” by Queen

This is the path blood takes
In circulation

[Verse 1]
Blood enters the heart
Through the sinus venosus
It passes into the atrium
Then the ventricle next
Then on into the conus or
Bulbus arteriosus

In fishes, oh in fishes
This is the path that blood takes
In circulation

[Verse 2]
Blood travels to the gills
Via the ventral aorta
And the afferent branchial arteries
Blood is oxygenated
At the gill capillaries

In fishes, oh in fishes
This is the path that blood takes
In circulation

Blood drains
From the efferent branchial
To the dorsal aorta
So it can go on and perfuse the rest of the body

In fishes, oh in fishes
This is the path that blood takes
In circulation

[Verse 3]
Blood flows through tissues
And is deoxygenated
Then it enters venous circulation
This leads it to back towards the heart
And the sinus venosus

This is the path that blood takes
Is the path that blood takes (x6)
Is the path that blood, blood, blood, blood takes
Is the path that blood takes
Is the path that blood takes
In fishes, in fishes, in fishes, in fishes
This is the path that blood takes
This is the path that blood takes
In circulation


Respiratory Media


Flight in Vertebrates